Accidents happen unexpectedly and you do not get to decide who crashes into you. The driver that caused the crash may be uninsured or create so much damage that his/her insurance limits are insufficient. An uninsured driver has no insurance to compensate you for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and loss of normal life that you sustained as a result of the accident. These types of drivers are likely unable to compensate anyone for the damage that they have caused. Underinsured drivers on the other hand do have insurance but their limits are not high enough to make you whole after your loss.
This is where YOUR car insurance policy can help you be made whole after a collision and give you back the sense of control that was lost during the car accident. Uninsured and Underinsured (“UM/UIM”) coverage is a type of coverage that you are able to obtain through your own insurance that can compensate you for the damages that an uninsured or underinsured driver causes. UM policies will pay for your injuries if the driver that caused the accident is uninsured and UIM policies are used to fill the gap between the underinsured driver’s policy and the full amount of your claim.
Unfortunately, roughly one in seven drivers are uninsured and countless other drivers in Illinois only carry the minimum required policy of $25,000 per person and $50,000 per occurrence. With that many people driving around with no insurance or very low policy limits, it is in your best interests to ensure that regardless of who hits you, you can be fully compensated for your losses. The only way to do that is by increasing your UM/UIM limits. The increase in your limits not only protects you but also all of the passengers in your vehicle. By taking this step, you ensure that no matter who causes the damage, you are in control of the outcome and not dependent on the insurance or financial capabilities of the other driver.
UM policies are also able to be utilized when you are the victim of a hit-and-run collision. The time spent after a collision should be focused on your recovery and seeing the physicians and specialists that you need to get back to where you were before the collision. It should not be spent tracking down the hit-and-run driver or worrying whether there will be insurance available to cover the costs of your recovery and compensate you for the pain and suffering you have endured.
There are many reasons to increase your UM/UIM coverage and it is important that you do this before an uninsured driver crashes into you or your family members. Inadequate UM/UIM coverage can result in minimal to no recovery for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and loss of normal life for a collision that was not your fault to begin with, leaving you with the burden of payment. To avoid paying for bills that are the result of accidents that are not your fault, UM/UIM coverage is key.
It is my recommendation that you reach out to your insurance company to ensure that you are adequately protected in the event you are hit by an uninsured or underinsured driver. By and large, the costs associated with increasing your UM/UIM limits are nominal and the benefits are great.
If you have been involved in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured motorist, please contact attorney, Nicholas Dollenmaier, at 847-705-7555 or via email at to discuss your case and help get the compensation you deserve.
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